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Genuine Health Marine Collagen Powder

Enjoy 10 grams of pure hydrolyzed marine collagen from wild caught fish from the North Atlantic. Just one serving per day helps to protect against collagen loss to improve skin hydration, joint health, and so much more.

Marine Collagen Protein For Skin, Bones, Joints, & Muscles

We are all made from collagen. It's the most abundant protein in our bodies. But beginning in our 20s, our bodies naturally produce less of it. Collagen loss is usually seen on the skin, where lines and wrinkles form. But underneath it all, loss of collagen also affects the integrity of our bones, joints and muscles.

Good news: Supplementing with a high quality collagen can help to reverse collagen loss, improving the look of your skin, your joint health and more.

*This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.