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The Ultimate Redcon 1 Fat Burner
Looking to burn extra fat during your fasted cardio or any intense sport? Double Tap is the key product for you!
Burn fat while increasing energy levels even in a caloric deficit. Mental focus is also highly increased.
Train & Compete At The Highest Level
Double Tap is the top-grade fat burner you need for dramatic fat melt off, extreme energy and mental focus increase!
This formula is also packed with amazing out-of-this-world flavors leading to be one of the most appreciated fat burner on the market. Try it now if not done yet!
CAUTION: Double Tap is an extremely powerful fat burning and energy formula. Assess your tolerance by taking ½ scoop upon waking on an empty stomach. Do not exceed more than 1 scoop per day.*This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.